What Dog Breeds Make the Best Search and Rescue Dogs?

What Dog Breeds Make the Best Search and Rescue Dogs?

It takes a great deal of natural instinct, agility and most importantly temperament to be a search and rescue dog. Not all breeds are right for the job, many are too small or don’t have the right attitude. Search and rescue dogs have to be use to lots of external input (i.e. noises, activity) while they are working, be adaptable to different environments and have a strong sense of smell. Breeds such as Labrador RetrieversGerman ShepherdsBloodhoundsAustralian ShepherdsNewfoundlands and many mixed breeds naturally make great search and rescue dogs. It’s also worth noting that many dogs that fall within the AKC’s sporting dog (link to sporting dog book mark on Dog Groups article) and working dog groups make great SARS dogs. Other breeds such as SchnauzersDobermansBorder ColliesGolden Retrievers and Rottweilers are also excellent for this type of work.  

SOURCE: https://www.animalden.com/seandredo.html