Keeping Your Dog Cool

Keeping Your Dog CoolTips For Keeping Your Dog Cool

According to, the hottest month in the Houston area is August.  Anyone that lives here in Houston and the surrounding areas, also knows this to be true.  The air conditioning bills are higher and more people going to the pool before school starts.

Your pets need to stay cool as well.  Here are some tips for help keeping your dog cool during these hot summer months.

*Add ice cubes to their water
*Avoid walking on hot pavement during walks
*Swim time – consider getting a small dog sized pool

Of course, please don’t leave pets and children in your vehicle when it is so hot outside.  This goes without saying. If it’s too hot outside for you, then it’s way too hot for your dog and young children.

Hope you stay cool & safe during the rest of the month.

Focus Dog Training – Combination dog Training from start to finish
(936) 449-1665