According to the Guinness Book of World Records the oldest dog was 29 years 5 months, an Australian cattle-dog named Bluey, owned by Les Hall of Rochester, Victoria, Australia. Bluey was obtained as a puppy in 1910 and worked among cattle and sheep for nearly 20 years.1 In honor of Bluey’s 29 years, here are 29 other interesting facts about dogs.
- The Labrador Retriever has been on the AKC’s top 10 most popular breeds list for 25 consecutive years—longer than any other breed. 2
- Forty-five percent of U.S. dogs sleep in their owner’s bed. 2
- All dogs dream, but puppies and senior dogs dream more frequently than adult dogs. 2
- Seventy percent of people sign their dog’s name on their holiday cards. 2
- A dog’s sense of smell is legendary, but did you know that his nose has as many as 300 million receptors? In comparison, a human nose has about 5 million. 2
- The name Collie means “black.” (Collies once tended black-faced sheep.) 2
- The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is the only breed named for a fictional person—a character in the novel Guy Mannering, by Sir Walter Scott. 2
- Dogs curl up in a ball when sleeping to protect their organs—a holdover from their days in the wild, when they were vulnerable to predator attacks. 2
- The Basenji is not technically “barkless,” as many people think. They can yodel. 2
- The Australian Shepherd is not actually from Australia—they are an American breed. 2
- Human blood pressure goes down when petting a dog. And so does the dog’s.2
- A recent study shows that dogs are among a small group of animals who show voluntary unselfish kindness towards others without any reward. This is one fact dog lovers have known all along.2
- Dalmatians are born completely white, and develop their spots as they get older. 2
- It is a myth that dogs are color blind. They can actually see in color, just not as vividly as humans. It is akin to our vision at dusk. 3
- Dogs DO have better low-light vision than humans because of a special light-reflecting layer behind their retinas. 3
- A German Shepherd guide dog led her blind companion the entire 2,100 mile Appalachian Trail. 3
- If never spayed or neutered, a female dog, her mate, and their puppies could produce over 66,000 dogs in 6 years! 3
- The breed Lundehune has 6 toes and can close its ears.3
- A dog’s mouth exerts 150–200 pounds of pressure per square inch, with some dogs exerting up to 450 pounds per square inch. 3
- Obesity is the #1 health problem among dogs.3
- An American Animal Hospital Association poll found that 33% of dog owners admit to talking to their dogs on the phone and leaving answering machine messages for them while away. 3
- Dogs’ nose prints are as unique as a human’s finger prints, and can be used to accurately identify them. 3
- Dogs’ sense of hearing is more than ten times more acute than mans. 3
- A dog’s heart beats up to 120 times per minute, or 50% faster than the average human heartbeat of 80 times per minute. 3
- Puppies have 28 teeth and normal adult dogs have 42. 4
- There are more than 150 dog breeds, divided into 8 classes: sporting, hound, working, terrier, toy, non-sporting, herding, and miscellaneous. 5
- Greyhounds can reach a speed of up to 45 miles per hour. 5
- A dog’s whiskers — found on the muzzle, above the eyes and below the jaws — are technically known as vibrissae. They are touch-sensitive hairs than actually sense minute changes in airflow. 5
- The Poodle haircut was originally meant to improve the dog’s swimming abilities as a retriever, with the pom-poms left in place to warm their joints. 5