Rude behaviors can be corrected with obedience training and specialized sessions dedicated to dealing with the behavior in your environment.
Aggressive behaviors are serious and require both strict obedience training and modification of the specific forms of aggression. These dogs require extra time and patience. Usually, their aggression didn’t begin overnight; it takes several sessions to correct.
With over 27+ years experience training all breeds and having seen just about all behaviors, I can train just about any kind of dog and situation that you have. I train in homes, parks, woods, neighborhoods, parking lots, stores, and even on farms. I go with you where you and your dogs go, and we train for all the situations you encounter.
Please take a few minutes to visit 'my clients' page and also 'dog training tips', both of these pages will give you more information on how I can help you and your situation.
Dog Behavior Training
Making your relationship between you and your dog a better one!
Give Focus Dog Training a call at: 936-449-1665 to schedule your consultation today.