Jango, the Doberman

Doberman Dog TrainingWhen looking for a dog trainer it was difficult to find a reputable Certified Trainer. There are many so-called dog trainers but few that have the qualifications of Rick Walkley.

Rick was exactly what I was looking for in a trainer and has met and exceeded my expectations in his training methods.  He’s not just helping me in training Jango but teaching me valuable information in the art and science of dog psychology.

Rick has been extremely patient with Jango and always knows exactly what to do in every behavioral issue and training situation I have experienced.  Rick really takes his time to explain things thoroughly and always follows up to make sure we are on track with our training lessons. It has been a joy working with Rick, his talent in dog skills are Immeasurable and notable beyond words. With that being said I highly recommend Rick as your professional dog trainer.

Personally, it’s been a great experience and one that I’m excited about, especially in what the future holds in our journey of dog training.

~ Leah